Day 4,5,6 Hike Switzerland
I haven’t posted about the other days of hiking because I don’t feel like it as good to post about, but, I am going to post a summary of each day and what I thought of the hiking in retrospect.
Day #4 was the day hiked out of Pontresina. We started the day by hiking out of Pontresina, right after we started our hike rain started to come down heavily and we had to seek shelter under a pine tree, once we waited that out we continued the hike. We had a lot of up till lunch (Which me, Mazie and one of our guides just trucked it up the hill). At lunch we had are first European picnic (which consists of bread, cheese, chocolate) on a rock and the rest of our group had lunch at a hut next to the rock. After we went descended down to a town near Sils Maria. it started to rain again so we had to head to the bus to take us into the town. Jamie had stayed behind to Get his lost wallet, and had went around the lake to see Nietzsche rock had also gotten caught in the rain so we met up with him and took the bus in. (That night we had dinner and they offered a harder option to do. I considered but decided not to do it.)
The next day (day #5) we all set out on a day hike were we would go into the mountains and then come down and loop around the lake to go back to Sils Maria. we had a pretty normal hike in the morning, we ascended a lot in the morning and took a small break for a small snack. After we descended back down and about half our group broke off to go on a tram up to the top of a mountain in Sils Maria while we went around the lake and back. we had a picnic about half way around the lake on another rock and then made our way back.
We woke up on day #6 (our final day) and took a bus out of Sils Maria (Heavy rain was forecasted later that day so to make sure we missed it we had to make our hike a bit shorter.). We went to the valley floor on that bus and then started our hike. We started to ascend but then rain started to come in. We were lucky and were able to find shelter so we didn’t get wet. After that we continued the ascent with a drizzle of rain and then went into the forest. It was kinda boring for the first part it just seemed like you were going up but eventually it leveled out. There was a lot of fog for a bit as we continued but it cleared up pretty fast. Near the end of the hike was when you saw the good views. For a bit it was purely white because of the clouds which I thought was eerie but Tammy thought was cool. Finally we were able to see Soglio and we went into the town as a family. Now I am writing this blog post.
Overall I thought this trip was a cool experience. If you are able to do the hikes and have the resources it is very fun and cool to do. I will definitely remember this trip for awhile. The towns that you go to are cool and the people are very nice. Another thing that is kinda sad but nice is that you don’t have to know the other languages so if you know english you will get around fine. In some of the towns they had playgrounds which was fun, the guides are fun to hang out with too. The dinner every night is fun and lively and if you don’t have many people you get to know those people very well. I thought it was a very fun experience and would recommend it. Ryder Walker